Monday, 10 February 2014

Review layouts

I am looking at review layouts on the internet for albums. I have tried looking for reviews for music videos but it's hard to come across. I have got these screen shots of reviews of albums and singles. I have picked The Telegraph, Rolling Stone, The BBC, IMDB, and The Vulture. I have picked these because they aim towards different audiences. These are the screenshots below.

The Telegraph


The vulture


Rolling stone

These layouts are all quite similar for the different type of companies that they are. However they all have a twist on each other. They're all column based with space either side of the text and articles. This gives the reader space. When looking at websites and reading through articles you don't want it to be full of text side to side. Having the website like this will put off the reader. You do want text but don't want to make it text heavy. They all have a banner with all the hyperlinks on (Hyperlinks e.g. Home, Reviews, News, e.t.c.) The majority of the colour used for these reviews is white. I think this is done so it's easier to read. The BBC has gone for a purple background with a back box and white text. This is not as bright. It makes the text stands out the same as the others but i'm a fan of the background being a different colour. This stands out as being different. It would grab the readers attention by being different then the same as the others. 

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