Narrative can be defined as "a chain of events in cause-effect relationships occurring in time and space". This basically is the story within the dietetic world of the film, It starts of in a situation and events can change this situation and make an outcome over time. The narrative covers the story and plot with everything that happens off and on set.
Narrative Range
Unrestricted narration – A narrative which has no limits to the information that is presented i.e. a news bulletin: This genre has to be very open: Local, National, Global or even universal. although this is conventional to factual broadcasting some films has come to use this narrative range for example: District 9, 127 hours, Cloverfield, even perhaps the Day After Tomorrow and the latest one, Captain Phillips. The latest one is represented as unrestricted narrative but is Restricted narrative.
Restricted narration – only offers minimal information regarding the narrative i.e. Thrillers. We only see the world that is constructed by the director. This is restricted as it is only what they want to see. These are usually stories, example of this is Se7en, This is because the story is already written so it is restricted and has to keep too it.
These can both work to the plot and story. It can give it boarders with the restricted narrative as you know what steps the film is going to follow but you;re not sure who it is going to happen to and when. Films can change the chronological order of these to confuse people and to include such things as flashbacks.
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