Friday, 15 November 2013

Research and Planning: My target audience

Motivation and Behavior

a.       Why do you watch films?

I watch films for many reasons. I manly watch them for entertainment. I will go see a film if I enjoy the trailer. The trailers are meant to draw you in so a good one can make me go to the cinema to go see it. I also come under the audience theories ‘Uses and gratifications’ and ‘Borrowed interests’. This is because I am into Freestyle skiing. I watch films that include this extreme sport. I watch these because this interests me. I also watch them as I can use them to try new tricks.
b.      What qualities attract you?

When looking for a film the actors draw me in. I will watch a film just because a certain actor is in it. For example I’m a big fan of Will Ferrell. I will watch the majority of films that he is in. I watched the film ‘Step Brothers’ as soon as it came out in the cinema. I watch films with him in because I find his comedy funny. His acting in the films he’s in is set for him; I don’t think there is any other actor that can play his part better. I watch some films just because of the company that made it. For example when I watch skiing films I watch the filming company Level 1. This is because they are the best in the market. They get in the best skiers for their films. When you purchase their films you know you will get a good film for the money you paid. When looking for films I also look at the directors and Photographers. I recently brought a film about skiing because the director of Photography was ‘Erik Seo’. He is my favorite photographer as his work is different to others and it is very professional.

c.       How do you consume films?

I consume films in many ways. I have a wide collection of DVDs, However i don't buy many dvds anymore. DVDs are good as they are very portable and can be taken anywhere. The quality is also very good. However i stream films more now. Streaming films of such sies as Netflixs is cheaper than buying dvds. The quality of these films are not as good as dvds (depending on your laptop) however it is worth the money. You can go online and have 1000s of films to watch.  

Monday, 11 November 2013

Research and Planning: Narrative

The Narrative i'm going to look is will be based on a song. I'm going for a style of short film which is based around a song/album. I am going to do a Song as i only have 5 minutes to film it. Here are some ideas for songs to base my short film on. 
chose these to identify music tracks by bands who don't have established success. This will be harder to do as there isn't many videos from these bands out there. This means it will be harder to get inspiration.

we're going to be friends - white stripes

This song already has a video. The video is just the singer sitting on a sofa in the front garden of a house playing the guitar and singing while a women is asleep next to him. This song is about starting the singer starting school and meeting a girl called Suzy Lee. As you can tell by the song name it's about the singer wanting to be friends with Suzy.

explain bullet point the narrative of the song then add strengths weakness and reasons for choosing plus the video if there is an existing video use that. If not use another video from the band, if not state this and add something similar

Natty - july

This song is about Summer, especially about the month July. This song talks about how they can have fun without a lot of money. The existing video for this is natty walking to the park on a summers day and stuff happens on the way.

Scroobius pip - first time i met muzik

This song doesn't have a video so it's a live one. This song is about how Scroobius pip first met music. He talks about how it is a women and about all the singers that she represents and how.

Arcade Fire - culture war (a song not from the suburbs)

This song has no video. This songs about how life is going so fast and how no one knows why we play a culture war.

Jake Bugg - someone told me

This song has no video. This song is about how he is always told what to do and what he is. It's also about how he fell in love and is now heart broken and want to know how to love again.

the strokes - ill try anything once

This song has no video. This song is about how you go through life. It talks about how you have to pick certian options to make stuff happen.

Beirut - nantes

This song is about being a place called Nantes. He also talks about a women not being happy so i think he's gone away to get away from things. There is a french conversation in there which i need to work out what it says so i can understand more.

Alex turner - Piledriver Waltz
(These songs by Alex Turner are from the soundtrack of the film 'Submarine')

This song is about waking up one morning to see his partner leaving him and not coming back. It talks about how it's not a good thing as it's 'heartbreaking'. She's leaving him and wanting to go far away.

Research and planning: what is Narrative and Plot

What is Narrative?
Narrative can be defined as "a chain of events in cause-effect relationships occurring in time and space". This basically is the story within the dietetic world of the film, It starts of in a situation and events can change this situation and make an outcome over time. The narrative covers the story and plot with everything that happens off and on set. 

Narrative Range
Unrestricted narration – A narrative which has no limits to the information that is presented i.e. a news bulletin: This genre has to be very open: Local, National, Global or even universal. although this is  conventional to factual broadcasting some films has come to use this narrative range for example: District 9, 127 hours, Cloverfield, even perhaps the Day After Tomorrow and the latest one, Captain Phillips. The latest one is represented as unrestricted narrative but is Restricted narrative. 

Restricted narration – only offers minimal information regarding the narrative i.e. Thrillers. We only see the world that is constructed by the director. This is restricted as it is only what they want to see. These are usually stories, example of this is Se7en, This is because the story is already written so it is restricted and has to keep too it.  

These can both work to the plot and story. It can give it boarders with the restricted narrative as you know what steps the film is going to follow but you;re not sure who it is going to happen to and when. Films can change the chronological order of these to confuse people and to include such things as flashbacks.