The last man on earth
A man thinks he is the last man alive on earth. He has coped for 5 weeks with it and he's had enough. So he goes to the local pub and decides to record himself talking about how he's the last man on earth and how he has made a mixture which will kill him. He drinks the poison and swallows it. Once he's done that his phone rings.
The genre of this short film is a comedy, however you also can call it post apocalyptic. The way the story is told is through narration. The narration is done by the main man. The representations what is given of this man is that he is very weak and depressed. He is weak as he's only been looking for other people for 5 weeks. Another representation you could say is that he is an alcoholic, when you see him in the pub he has already drunk half a bottle of vodka and he doesn't look that drunk. He is quite educated as he knows where to find the ingredients for a mixture and what ingredients to put in it. There isn't much intertextual references but it does show an iPhone but i don't think it was placed deliberately. The locations used looks like a well built up suburb, it reminds me of London, however there is no big buildings to show where it is. The likely audience are film seekers. I think it would be a male audience who find films instead of waiting for them to come out.
About a girl
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